At the end of each sprint, we evaluate that sprint during the sprint review and the retrospective[1].
This form of evaluation is focused on the short term.
To reflect upon events that happened over a longer period of time, we perform evaluations too each time a milestone[2] is delivered.
To continuously improve ourselves, we look back to learn from past experiences.
There are three forms of long-term evaluations, each focussing on a different set of questions:
- Looking at the project as a whole, in a setting including both the scrum team[3] and stakeholder, what can we learn from past events?
- Similarly, what can we learn from past events when looking at the project as a whole in a setting including anyone working for Kabisa that has been involved in the project somehow?
- How did the technological choices during this part of the project work out? What did we learn, what should we keep doing, and what should we avoid in the future?
Prepare for success
- Plan the evaluation meetings on time, such that everyone’s memory is still fresh.
- In case of the evaluation involving the stakeholders, plan the meeting before the project team is (potentially) disbanded.
- Use a format for the evaluation meetings that invites a critical but positive atmosphere.
Definition of done[4]
- There is a document describing technology choices available for anyone at Kabisa. This document can be discussed with the development team responsible for the project.
- If necessary, there are action points addressing concerns raised during the internal and external evaluation.